Well, today was the first day of Homeschool for the girls, and Mikey's first day of 1st grade! We had a rough start, but I think that everything will work out. I worked with the girls on raising their hadns, and calling me 'Mrs. Downs' (just to keep it school like). They did really good I thought, but they do have some things they will have to work on. Little things really. Sitting still, not talking all the time, sucking thier thumb in class. They are definitely willing and I think they will do well. Mikey did good with his seatwork and is adapting to cursive writing. This week is kinda easy because there isn't to much to do with the girls. So far, school is only taking about 2 1/2 hours. Hopefully school will continue to go well. Thank you for all your prayers. I know I will need it, because last year there wree problems and I know that there will be snafoo's along the way.