Sunday, January 24, 2010

Okay so this year has definitely been a wonderful start for my couponing heart's desire. Unfortunately I haven't been saving my left over money, just been investing it in more food options. However this week, I did invest some, but I do have some that I can put aside!
So Yesterday I went to ShopRite and got some really great deals on lot's of products. I don't have pictures but I will give a list of the really good deals from ShopRite:
Org.Price - Sale Disc - Coupons - Doubling =
Hunts Pudding 4pk - $1.50-$0.50x8-$1.20-$1.20= $5.60 ($.70 each)
Dole Fruit Bowls 4pk - $2.24-$0.57x6-$2.00-$0.00= $8.02 ($1.34 each)
Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - $2.34-$1.05x1-$1.00-$0.00= $0.49
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner- $3.76-$1.88x2-$1.50-$0.50= $1.76 ($.88 each)
Windex Multi Surface - $3.98-$1.99x2-$2.00-$o.oo= $1.98 ($.98 each)
Shout Foaming Advanced - $2.99-$1.00x1-$1.oo-$0.00= $0.99

Today, I decided to go to Pathmark, even though I wasn't initaly planning to. So, I get to the store, put some things in my cart them Emma is like 'Mommy I gotta go potty'. So I go to the customer service desk and ask for a bathroom and they say that they don't have public bathrooms. So I ditch the cart put the girls in the van, drive over the the Burger King (in the same plaza) and take them potty, load back up into the van head back to the store. Now, you see I am thinking, Lord should I really be here? I mean, come on. But sure enough I head back into that store to get some good deals! So as you can see i did extremely well. So I will break it down for you.

Sale Price x Quantity - Coupon(#) - Store Disc =
Nabisco Wheat Thins - $1.98 x 2 - $1.00(2) - $0.00 = $1.96 ($0.98 each)
Nabisco Triscuts - $1.98 x 2 - $1.00(1) - $0.00 = $2.96 ($1.48 each)
Kraft Cheeses - $1.99 x 4 - $1.00(2) - $0.00 = $5.92 ($1.48 each)
Chef Boyardee (can) - $1.00 x 9 - $0.35(3) - $1.05 = $6.90 ($0.77 each)
Chef Boyardee (bowl)- $1.00 x 3 - $0.40(3) - $1.20 = $0.60 ($0.20 each)
BreakStone SourCream- $1.00 x 2 - $1.00(1) - $0.00 = $1.00 ($0.50 each)
Slim Fast MultiPack - $4.29 x 2 - $1.20(2) - $4.29 = $1.89 ($0.95 each)
Minut Rice Bowls(2) - $1.99 x 2 - $0.55(2) - $1.10 = $1.78 ($0.89 each)
Success Minute Rice - $1.99 x 1 - $1.00(1) - $0.00 = $0.99
Old El Paso Tacos - $1.99 x 2 - $0.55(1) - $0.55 = $2.98 ($1.49 each)
Old El Paso Rice - $1.49 x 2 - $0.55(2) - $1.10 = $1.98 ($0.99 each)
Kellogg Poptarts - $2.49 x 2 - $0.00 - $2.49 = $2.49 ($1.25 each)
Hunts Ketchup - $1.89 x 3 - $1.89(1) - $0.00 = $3.78 ($1.26 each)
French's Mustard - $1.40 x 2 - $0.30(2) - $0.60 = $1.60 ($0.80 each)

Now the Slim Fast and the Poptarts were on clearance for 1/2 off which was great!
Simply just taking great sales and adding coupons (knowing which stores double) you can get some really great deals.

On the Menu for the next two weeks will be:
Tacos x 2
Chili (I got canned tomatoes and beans the other day and turkey meat from before)
Roast Chicken with the trimming
Soup and sandwhiches
Potato Soup

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Couponing in 2010!

Okay, so this past few holidays, Thanksgiving thru this new year, I haven't been dedicating time to my couponing like I used to. So on of my resolutions for this year is to keep a record of my sales and to actually set aside all the money that I save. See, before I had been using the extras to get more groceries, but now, I want to set aside my savings to see what couponing really can save me. So here is a coupon of sites that I use, and for those who are interested in couponing, check out these sites:

For Sunday Paper Insert Previews -

For Good tips on saving money and freebies -

For Preview Ads to all Stores -

I also have a spreadsheet for your weekly deals and seeing the savings. If you have Excel, comment and I'll email you a copy so you can start seeing your savings.

My prayer for this year (for my couponing) is that the Lord will bless me with the knowledge of the best deals, and to use my money wisely with every purchase. To cut down on my extra trips for things I run out of or forgot.

May you have a great year of couponing and if you need any help, I am here.